
Rhys Hughes

Senior Speech Pathologist


Rhys Hughes is a Senior Speech Pathologist in the Nutrition and Speech Pathology Department at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. He has worked as a Speech Pathologist for over 20 years with a special interest in head and neck cancer.

Rhys has worked both in Australia and abroad, spending 5 years working at St George’s Hospital in London and now over 10 years at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. He has extensive experience working within the multidisciplinary team across both inpatient and outpatient cancer services and is actively involved in the management of long-term tracheostomised and laryngectomy patients.

Rhys continues to advance the area of communication and swallowing disorders in cancer patients through his ongoing involvement in research and quality initiatives looking at improving patient education, the patient experience and post treatment outcomes and has presented this work at numerous national and international conferences. His passion for oncology stems from his desire to improve the patient experience during their cancer journey.

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Speech pathology

Head and neck cancer


Rhys Hughes

Senior Speech Pathologist
Cancer types Head and Neck, Lung, Neuro Oncology
Qualifications B.Sp.Path
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