Peter Mac Postdoc Society

The Peter Mac Postdoc Society (PMPS) represents postdoctoral researchers across the Cancer Research Division


We are dedicated to supporting careers and fostering an inclusive community of postdocs at all levels. All Peter Mac postdocs are automatically members of PMPS, and can benefit from the activities and resources organised by the different teams.

PMPS organises activities designed to engage, educate, and provide professional development for our postdoctoral researchers.

We are always looking to add new initiatives to enhance the postdoc experience, both professionally and personally. 

PMPS Leadership Group 

The PMPS Leadership Group: 

  • Advocates on the behalf of postdocs within Peter Mac

  • Engages with the Research Executive, the Research Education and Training Committee, and core facility leaders

  • Oversees the activities of a range of subcommittees

The PMPS Leadership committee works with the Peter Mac Research Education and Training Committee. Together, they provide opportunities to increase the skillsets of our postdocs, including teaching opportunities and the chance to expand professional networks.

We promote the importance of mentorship, and help to foster internal and external mentoring opportunities for Peter Mac postdocs. This includes assistance with finding mentors, and opportunities for postdocs to act as mentors for undergraduate and PhD students. 

PMPS Sub-Committees 

Communication and Social 

We provide opportunities for Peter Mac postdocs to share their research achievements and interests through different channels, and to build and foster social networks within and beyond Peter Mac.  

Current initiatives: 

  • Regular engagement with the Research Communications Specialist 

  • PMPS X account: promotes the research and achievements of Peter Mac postdocs including publications, conference presentations, awards, and other highlights

  • Bench and Beyond – Tales from Peter Mac Postdocs: more in-depth stories, perspectives, experiences and views from postdocs across Peter Mac research  

  • Social events: including Postdoc End-of-Year party, Postdoc Packed Lunch (informal monthly catch-up), inter-institute postdoc events (including trivia nights), and more 

PMPS Inaugural Postdoc Retreat

We will organise and run a single-day off-site retreat to bring together all postdocs across PeterMac research (both lab- and clinic-based).

VCCC Alliance Postdoc Symposium 

We run an annual symposium for Australian postdocs working in cancer research, providing a platform to highlight their latest achievements. We hear about all aspects of cancer research including basic biology, translational research, molecular pathology, bioinformatics, psychosocial oncology, epidemiology, clinical trials, genomics, immunology and more.

The symposium is delivered by an inter-institutional committee comrposed of members from across the Parkville precinct and beyond.