We have an extensive portfolio across all cancer types, treatment modalities and phases. Find out more about working with Cancer Surgery and Anaesthetic Trials, the Parkville Cancer Clinical Trials Unit, Radiation Oncology Trials and other trials groups.
- Laboratory research
- Clinical research
- Clinical research by centre
- Centre for Biostatistics and Clinical Trials
- Familial Cancer Research Centre
- eviQ Audit - Survey and audit of Familial Cancer Clinics
- ICCon - The Inherited Cancer Connect partnership
- ICCon database
- IMPACT - Targeted prostate cancer screening
- Psychosocial Cancer Genetics Research
- Variants in Practice (ViP)
- PRiMo Trial
- Surveillance Study in Multi-organ Cancer Prone Syndromes (SMOC+) Trial
- Genetic Cancer Risk in the Young (RisC) Study
- Parkville Cancer Clinical Trials Unit research
- Victorian Cancer Malnutrition Collaborative
- About the Victorian Cancer Malnutrition Collaborative (VCMC)
- Cancer malnutrition eLearning program
- Cancer malnutrition point prevalence study (PPS)
- Cultural adaptation of the MST project
- Evaluate patient food service models to best support improving nutrition care project
- Feeding everyone from hospital to home project
- iCanEAT Project
- Local health service projects
- Malnutrition governance toolkit
- Optimising the cancer nutrition path project
- Australian Cancer Survivorship Centre
- Clinical research by topic
- AYA cancer care research
- Cancer surgery and anaesthesia: perioperative and pain medicine research
- Imaging and diagnostics research
- Infectious diseases and infection prevention research
- Pain and palliative care research
- A retrospective and prospective audit of the use of subcutaneous lignocaine infusions
- A systematic review for palliative care clinical indicators for pain
- Advance Care Planning (ACP) studies
- Aprepitant for nausea
- Audit of prevalence of incident pain during RT
- CAncer tiSsue Collection After DEath (CASCADE) - Bereaved experience
- European survey of oncology patients’ experience of breakthrough pain (Phase III)
- Exploration of doctors' views about suffering
- Melanoma Immunotherapy Project - Looking for Lazarus (palliative care project)
- Palliative Care Clinical Studies Collaborative projects (paCCSC)
- Palliative care consultations in patients with cancer in an Australian Cancer Comprehensive Centre
- Phase IV RCT study to assess the safety and efficacy of methoxyflurane (Penthrox™)
- Retrospective audit of continuous lignocaine for TCell Lymphoma
- Social media in palliative care practice
- The Stop Cancer PAIN trial - A guideline implementation
- Pharmacy research
- Physical sciences research
- Radiation oncology research
- Radiation therapy research
- Survivorship and living well after cancer
- Current Allied Health clinical research studies
- About our current clinical research studies
- Exercise and Nutrition Across The Cancer Journey
- Nutrition Research
- A multidisciplinary optimisation clinic for lung and colorectal cancer patients with complex needs
- Cancer malnutrition: Feeding everyone from hospital to home
- EAT: Eating as treatment
- Evaluating the function and effectiveness of the Peter Mac multidisciplinary PEG clinic and PEG credentialed dietitian role
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of a nutrition assistant role in the multidisciplinary head and neck cancer clinic
- Exploring current service delivery and nutritional needs of adolescents & young adults (AYA) with cancer
- How do I do that again?
- Identifying non-stem cell transplant chemotherapy regimens associated with high nutritional risk in patients with a haematological malignancy
- Impact of nutritional intervention in the outpatient management of long-term survivors of haematological malignancy treated with stem cell transplantation (SCT)
- Malnutrition in Victorian Cancer Services (MVCS) Program
- The 20km divide: exploring nutritional inequities at satellite centres
- Pastoral Care Research
- Speech Pathology Research
- Taking the next step project
- Clinical research by centre
- Health Services Research
- What is Health Services Research?
- Health services research programs
- Education and training
- Research design and consultancy
- Current health services research studies
- ACCRUE: Advancing consultation recall and understanding
- Defining Nets And Info4Nets Online Platform
- Enhancing Lifestyle Behaviors Endometrial Cancer Enable Pilot
- Expect Exploration Patient Experience Communication Clinical Drug
- Navigate: An online treatment decision aid for men diagnosed with prostate cancer and their partners
- SCORE: Shared care of colorectal cancer survivors
- SECOND ears: Development of an audio-recording app for patient consultations
- SUPER: Solving Cancer of Unknown Primary
- The National Cancer Cohort Platform (NCCP) Project
- PANConnect: Specialist cancer nurse-led telehealth support for people affected by pancreatic cancer
- Research support services
- Biomedical Animation
- Clinical research facilitation
- Ethics and governance
- Clinical audit and quality assurance
- New Governance Application
- Research ethics and governance complaints
- Research - post approval
- Annual progress reports - Governance review
- Annual progress reports - Peter Mac ethics
- Final report - Governance review
- Final report - Peter Mac ethics
- Project status-information updates - Governance review
- Project status-information updates - Peter Mac ethics
- Safety reporting
- Serious breach reports - Peter Mac ethics
- Serious breach reports - Peter Mac Governance
- Research project amendments
- Research project submission dates and fees
- Submitting new project for ethics review
- Useful resources and training forms for ethics and governance
- Grants and funding
- Research integrity
- Publications Repository
- Sponsoring a Clinical Trial
- Research Centres and Centres of Excellence
- Cancer Cachexia Clinical and Research Integration Program
- Centre of Excellence in Cellular Immunotherapy
- Neuroendocrine Tumour Centre of Excellence
- ProsTIC
- Rosie Lew Centre for Cancer Immunotherapy
- The Barrie Dalgleish Centre for Myeloma and Related Blood Cancers
- The National Centre for Infections in Cancer (NCIC)
- Industry and commercialisation
- Cohort studies
- Translational Research Centres
- Research Technologies