Debbie Yuen

Cancer impacts the patient and an entire network of family and friends so I hope to offer a different perspective and voice for Peter Mac, especially for younger carers, culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) patients and carers, and in the area of palliative care, so that we can enhance and expand access to the best possible cancer care.

Debbie Yuen joined the Community Advisory Committee in July 2024. In the UK, Debbie volunteered with Marie Curie Cancer Care for over four years. Since 2015, Debbie has participated in various Peter Mac working groups, focusing on improving patient and carer communications, enhancing access to cancer education and resources, developing the Supporting Carers Strategy, and contributing to other cancer-specific projects. Additionally, Debbie served as a consumer representative on the Peter Mac Executive Quality and Safety Committee.

Debbie is also a mother, Web3 Growth Marketer, and Startup Advisor.

Debbie says her own experience as a carer makes her passionate about her role on the Community Advisory Committee:

Through my experience of caring for my grandmother, from her bowel cancer diagnosis to treatments and eventually her passing, by sharing both personal and community experiences—good and bad— we can help co-curate better cancer experiences with Peter Mac.


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