NET preceptorship and research meetings

NET preceptorship

Peter Mac NET Preceptorship occurs once every 2 years, which comprises of clinical problem-based lectures from relevant specialists on all aspects of the multidisciplinary management of NET: from diagnosis, imaging, surgery, and medical therapy (medical oncology, endocrinology, nuclear medicine) and nursing.  This will be based on our Unit’s extensive experience and treatment guidelines.

The meeting content aims to emphasize the current standards, and common dilemmas, of the individualised management for NET patients.  It will focus on treatment approaches based on disease biology and disease extent and the requirement for a multidisciplinary management plan.


Annual NET research meeting

Since 2023, Peter Mac NET experts are invited to gather once a year for the NET research meeting, providing researchers a platform to showcase their projects currently happening with Peter Mac, as well as a forum to cultivate new research ideas.

Numerous research themes have emerged from the meeting in 2023, leading to the establishment of the following NET research working groups:

  1. NET genomics – Assoc Prof Richard Tothill & Dr Emma Boehm
  2. NET nutrition (TPN) – Dr Erin Laing & Dr Andrew Trinh & Assoc Prof Tim Akhurst
  3. Carcinoid syndrome/crisis – Assoc Prof Cherie Chiang & Dr Hui Li Wong
  4. NET post treatment follow-up – Dr Hui Li Wong
  5. Lung NET – Prof Michael & Assoc Prof Gavin Wright
  6. NET cardiology – Dr Aravind Ravi Kumar & Dr Samuel Wright
  7. Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma (PPGL) – Dr Nirupa Sachithanandan & Dr Emma Boehm