The way we deliver cancer care

Peter Mac is a Comprehensive Cancer Centre, delivering integrated treatment, research and education and leading the way in cancer care across Australia

We provide personalised cancer care treatment and services at our main centre in Melbourne, and Radiation Therapy services at four campuses in Bendigo, Box Hill, Moorabbin and Sunshine. 

Peter Mac provides cancer treatment and care in collaboration with partners within the Parkville Biomedical Precinct, in particular The Royal Melbourne Hospital and the Royal Women’s Hospital. 

We partner with many organisations and networks worldwide. This helps us to improve the quality of our cancer services. It also increases the reach, impact, community awareness and sustainability of our work. 

Our cancer care vision and values


We strive for excellence, ensuring that clinical practice is evidence-based and patient-centred and is provided by qualified and experienced staff who are accountable and appropriately credentialled.


We strive to ensure that innovation is fostered by supporting research and a learning culture.


Adhering to the strongest ethical standards to ensure a culture of openness, mutual respect and trust, compassion is at our core.

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Locating Peter Mac Melbourne


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