The ACSC coordinates professional development opportunities through a range of education and research forums, in-services and tailored programs (including clinical placements and site visits). Programs are open to Victorian, national and international professionals, unless otherwise specified.
Clinical Placement Program in Cancer Survivorship
Image: Banner for the 5th iteration of the Clinical Placement Program in Cancer Survivorship
About the program
The Clinical Placement Program in Cancer Survivorship (CPPiCS) is a Victorian Government funded program that aims to improve access to quality survivorship care by enhancing the knowledge, confidence and capacity of health professionals who provide this care.
This program sits under Pillar Four of the Victorian Cancer Plan 2024-2028 action to build and retain a strong cancer workforce.
This is the fifth iteration of the program. The target health professionals will be allied health professionals and nurses with distinct roles in cancer care in Victoria. Additionally, the program seeks to reach at least 40% health professionals based in regional and rural areas. We aim to place at least 200 health professionals.
Benefits of the program
- Build knowledge and confidence in survivorship care
- Observe the components of survivorship care delivered in clinical practice
- Network and establish links between community and hospital-based professions
Program components
- Cancer survivorship education (pre- and post-placement)
- Observational survivorship-focused clinical placement at a health service
- Access to cancer survivorship events and additional education
Further information
If you would like more information about the Clinical Placement Program in Cancer Survivorship, please contact the ACSC Project Team at
Cancer survivorship orientation package
The ACSC developed this resource to orient new health service staff to available survivorship education, events, professional development and key resources for health professionals and cancer survivors. Download this resource and add to your services orientation documents or share with new colleagues interested or working in cancer survivorship, or cancer care more broadly.
Online learning
Contact Details
For any survivorship education enquiries, email:
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