Project overview
The National Cancer Cohort Platform (NCCP) will provide a centralised and streamlined data access opportunity to ensure precious biospecimens and clinical data is used to its full potential by researchers nationally. Spearheaded by the Health Services Research team under the guidance of Professor Karin Thursky, in collaboration with BioGrid Australia, the VCCC Alliance, and five pivotal Cancer Cohort studies (AOCS, kConFab, Lifepool, MRV, ViP), this four-year MRFF National Critical Research Infrastructure project will build a new national research platform equipped with robust security measures, governance protocols, sophisticated data models, and analytical tools that will set a standard in collaborative, large-scale health research.
Professor Karin Thursky, the Associate Director of Health Services Research and Principal Investigator of the NCCP Project explains that “the National Cancer Cohort Platform will be a significant Australian digital asset that will bring together several influential national cancer cohort studies into one location, including linkages to biospecimen repositories, and familial pedigrees.”
The below interviews from the project management team, Professor Karin Thursky, Associate Professor Ashley Ng and Jodie Kirkland provide an overview of the NCCP program. Cohort representatives Associate Professor Heather Thorne OAM (kConFab), Associate Professor Lisa Devereux (LifePool), Nadia Traficante (AOCS), and Kristy Barnes-Cullen (MRV), discuss the project's value from a cohort perspective.
Project details
Who are the Cohorts?
Learn about the first five research cohorts to contribute large databases of participant information which includes biospecimens, prior research results, and other data which will be brought together into a common location to enable the expansion of research projects.
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Contact us
Please contact the Project Management team for any queries.
Genevieve Chappell
Project Manager