Our art collection

The display of artworks from the Peter Mac Art Collection throughout the health service contributes to humanising our patient areas, enlivening and personalising our interiors and creating spaces that are as attractive, uplifting and conducive to healing as possible

As many of our patients visit Peter Mac for treatment over several weeks, months or even years, it is important to create an environment that is immediately positive and welcoming. Over many years, we have found the works of art displayed provide visual interest, stimulate conversation, provide positive diversion and offer moments of respite and reflection to patients, visitors and staff. The Peter Mac Art collection focuses on contemporary Australian art and features the work of many of our best known artists including John Olsen, Charles Blackman, Fred Williams, Lin Onus, Mirka Mora, Yvonne Audette, Christine Johnson and Lorna Fencer Napurrula among others.

The Peter Mac Art Collection has grown solely through generous donations of works of art by private collectors, artists, galleries, corporations and interested individuals wishing to contribute to improving the patient experience through the display of vibrant Australian art.

Donating to the art collection

Peter Mac is a recognised participant in the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program which encourages significant gifts of art from private collectors to enhance the collections of public galleries, museums, libraries and some hospitals. Gifts under this program also attract tax benefits for donors.

If you wish to discuss a proposal to donate an artwork to our art collection, or funds towards the maintenance and display of the art collection, please contact the Peter Mac Art Curator by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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