Ovarian cancer is one of the deadliest cancers in women, and a greater understanding of the molecular events is urgently needed to identify new targets for treatment. The Kylie Gorringe Lab addresses this goal by using comprehensive DNA and RNA profiling. A major initiative was the comprehensive Genomic Analysis of Mucinous Tumours (GAMuT study), which analysed primary ovarian and extra-ovarian metastases with mucinous histology. The Gorringe Lab identified novel targets for therapy and determined the origin of mucinous tumours. They are now finding and evaluating novel therapies for mucinous ovarian cancer using unique patient derived models such as tumour organoids and xenografts. They are also delving deeper into the cell of origin using single-cell and spatial genomics approaches and exploring other aspects of the biology of these unusual cancers.
One of the key issues in breast cancer is being able to predict which pre-invasive lesions such as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) will progress to become invasive breast cancer. In DCIS the Gorringe Lab is looking for molecular features to predict recurrence after surgery, and in ADH they are testing new biomarkers generated as part of our work to understand the evolution of these lesions.
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