NET referrals

We understand how stressful and difficult cancer can be.

Our team of experts are sensitive to your individual health and wellbeing needs – we are here to help.  You will need a referral from your GP or medical practitioner to access this service.

For Australian patients, see this information about Peter Mac and obtaining a referral.

For patients outside of Australia, see this information about Medicare Ineligible patients.

For healthcare professionals, see this information about making a referral to the NET Service.

Once accepted for treatment at Peter Mac

Depending on your presentation and diagnosis, you will be seen by a single specialist or a number of specialists alongside the NET Clinical Nurse Consultant.

The specialist may include a surgeon, medical oncologist, radiation oncologist, nuclear medicine specialist, endocrinologist, or another specialty.  The patient navigator will help manage appointments and will be the first port of call regarding ongoing appointments.

Your specialist may arrange a number of investigations including scans, blood and urine tests, as well as obtaining reports of prior investigations.  Your case will often be discussed at a multidisciplinary team meeting, with all the specialist team present, in order to generate a personalised management plan.  You will then be reviewed in the appropriate clinic by the required specialists.

The team is here to support you through your diagnosis and treatment(s) and help you make informed decisions about your care.

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