Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics

Enabling discovery and driving translational medicine with high throughput technologies

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Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics

The Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics (VCFG) at Peter Mac is a national platform that enables biomedical researchers to perform novel discovery-based high throughput screens using multiple platforms. The Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics facilitates compound, CRISPR and RNAi screening at any scale in both 2D and 3D formats, using liquid handling instruments, automated high content imaging microscopes, live imaging systems and large reagent libraries. 

The Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics provides a collaborative and innovative partnership. Our most common operations model is ‘researcher driven, staff assisted’ model where you embed in our lab and be trained on the appropriate instruments to perform your screen under the guidance of our team. We also provide ‘fee for service’ projects when we have team capacity, at the whole project level or a hybrid version that works for you. All data generated remains the intellectual property of the researcher. Importantly, each project is customised to your specific biological question, and we will help drive your project to the best screen outcome possible. The partnership beings with a discussion with Associate Professor Kaylene Simpson and a team of highly experienced research team.  

Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics platforms and resources 

We have a diverse portfolio of research platforms, many of which can have substantial overlap, depending on the project. Each platform has an overarching user guide and a suite of SOPs that are frequently updated. You will be given the appropriate documents when you first connect with us to discuss a project, and before you get trained on any instrumentation.

Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics supporting services 

VCFG PRoject Information and Management Enterprise (PRIME)  

Every project is securely managed through PRIME, our project management portal using the Atlassian tool Confluence. Analysis is provided in a fully interactive HTML format with easy access to raw data, code and representative images. This portal future-proofs our capacity to revisit your dataset for publication, for re-analysis or for large-scale sharing. We also use this portal to collate funding and outputs (abstracts, presentations, publications) for future reporting. 


We proudly support your grant applications through developing a customised approach to your specific project and budget. Happy to discuss your ideas! Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Partner organisations 

The Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics is a partner of MACH OMICS. Visit the OMICS directory and collective mission.

Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics instrumentation 

We have a large array of instrumentation available for anyone to access. We will provide you with instrument user guides prior to training.

Team members


The Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics has infrastructure funding and support from

 Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics acknowledges Phenomics Australia     Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics acknowledges Peter Mac

Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics acknowledges the University of Melbourne     Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics acknowledges the NCRIS

Researchers accessing the Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics have funding from

 Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics acknowledges  Therapeutic Innovation Australia     nhmrc

Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics acknowledges Cancer Council Victoria    mrff

nbcf    pcfa

dod logo department of defense clipart 900 900 als

cure cancer arc

​ ​​Since 2008, the Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics has been a member of 4 successful ACRF infrastructure program applications​​

 australian cancer research foundation logo