Gerry Tonkin-Hill lab

The Tonkin-Hill lab, also known as the Computational Microbiology Lab, develops computational and statistical methods to investigate the complexities of host-microbe interactions.

Gerry Tonkin-Hill lab

The Computational Microbiology group, led by Gerry Tonkin-Hill, works closely with clinical and wet-lab collaborators to improve our understanding of how microbes evolve, transmit between and interact with their hosts.

These microbial interactions play a critical role in our health and can have profound impacts on the treatment of both infectious and non-infectious diseases, including cancer. Accurate models of these interactions will help to create optimal microbiome-targeted therapies and mitigate the impact of infectious disease.

Current projects

Lab members

  • Sudaraka Mallawaarachchi
  • Qing Siaw

Related pages

Gerry Tonkin-Hill

Related links

Computational microbiology - Tonkin Hill Lab
