My hopes

"People having palliative care and those with just a short amount of time to live will still have lots of things to live for"

Thinking about what we want at the end of life is important for all of us to consider.  

Talking about and sharing our wishes with those close to us and the health professionals looking after us will make sure that our preferences, values, and cultural beliefs are understood.

“Even if I’m dying, until I actually die, I am still living” Paul Kalanithi, When Breath Becomes Air

Ask as many questions as you would like answered.  This will help you make decisions with your cancer team about the care and treatment that is right for you

Ways to begin a conversation with your cancer team

 You could say Your questions might be
 I would like to talk about what’s important to me in the time that I have left What can I expect if I choose to have this treatment? What difference will it make?
 I want to tell you about some of things that I would like to do in the time I have left I don’t feel I want any more treatment. What does this mean for my care?
 I need to talk about the treatments I am having and how they are making me feel What can I expect if I decide to stop treatment and focus on quality of life?
 I want you to know what my preference is when there is a choice between quantity and quality of life I want to talk about what happens now that my treatment has stopped. Are you able to help me with that conversation?
I want to talk about living with my advanced cancer.What are some things I can do to help keep me feeling as well as possible?
I want to be involved in making decisions about the treatment I am having.How can palliative care help? Can you help refer me to a palliative care team?
I want to talk about and share decisions about my care from now with my partner/children 


Other resources

Cancer Council - Facing End of Life