Flow Cytometry – Research Flow Core (RFC)

The Peter Mac Research Flow Core (RFC) is an internationally-recognised shared resource laboratory which provides researchers with access to state-of-the-art equipment, education and expertise that enables isolation, separation and analysis of cell populations

ISAC lab pic

Flow cytometry uses lasers to excite fluorophores which are either coupled to antibodies or expressed within cells as fluorescent proteins.

The fluorescently tagged antibodies are used to target specific cells which can be later identified by a flow cytometry instrument. These instruments have in-built laser’s which will excite the fluorophores and cause a release of light. This emitted light is detected by the flow cytometry instruments and then converted into data.

The RFC utilises flow cytometry to analyse as well as sort cells. The analysis side allows researchers to collect data and information about the biological profile of their samples or measure the efficacy of a new drug screen. The sorting side allows researchers to collect and analyse cells of interest from within mixed populations of cells, for use in downstream research projects.

The ability to separate and obtain cells of a particular type, such as stem cells or rare phenotypes, enhances the scope of further experiments like bioassays or the replication of therapeutic models. 

The RFC provides investigators with access to seven analysis instruments as well as three sorting instruments. Researchers are trained by RFC staff to operate the analysis platforms, while the RFC staff operate the sorting platforms as a service for the researcher.

Flow cytometry is a powerful technique for the analysis of individual cells within complex populations. It is used in both research and clinical settings. It also has a significant role in the translation of knowledge from the research setting to the clinical area (translational research), where it has become invaluable as a resource for both cell identification and isolation. 

Flow Cytometry research capabilities 

The RFC provides researchers with a high-level, integrated service that includes multi-parameter flow cytometric analysis, fully supported fluorescent-activated cell sorting (FACS), training and education on all aspects of cytometry, a reliable and comprehensive system for the management, storage and archiving of flow cytometry data, and the development of new cytometry and FACS approaches. 

The RFC was awarded the ISAC Shared Resource Laboratory Recognition Award in 2024, which is awarded to flow cytometry facilities who adhere to international best practices as outlined in the Barsky et el publication.

The Peter Mac RFC houses the following instruments: three high-speed cell sorters (two Fusions, one Aria III), Symphony A5, Symphony A3, Fortessa X20, LSR II, two CantoII, and a spectral Aurora. Several of the instruments can have high-throughput capabilities which allow researchers to analysis 384 samples within an hour and is primarily used for novel cancer drug screens.

Use of the facility is available to external users by a fee-for-service agreement, subject to availability. 

Flow Cytometry contact information 

For further information about booking the flow cytometry facility, contact: 

Eva Orlowski-Oliver  

Specialist in Cytometry SCYM(ASCP) 
ISAC SRL Emerging Leader 2019-2024 

  • Office Phone: (03) 8559 5063 
  • Lab Phone: (03) 8559 5135 
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  • General enquires: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Facility staff 

  • Research Flow Core Manager: Eva Orlowski-Oliver SCYM(ASCP) 
  • Senior Research Flow Cytometrist: Elle Aydogan SCYM(ASCP) 
  • Senior Research Flow Cytometrist: Seri Mustafah SCYM(ASCP)
  • Research Flow Cytometrist: Fatma Panetta
  • Research Flow Cytometrist: Lara Yanto


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