Upper gastrointestinal cancer (UGI)

Stomach cancers happen in the organs found in the upper section of the digestive system

Cancer Education

Stomach cancers are also called upper gastrointestinal (sometimes known as UGI) cancers. These happen in the organs you can find in the upper section of the digestive system.  

Upper Gastrointestinal organs 

The Upper Gastrointestinal organs of the digestive system include the following 

  • Oesophagus: this is the tube or pipe food travels down from the mouth into the stomach 
  • Stomach: this is where chewed food meets gastric juices and is further broken down (digested) 
  • Pancreas: this is where your body makes enzymes that help digest food as well as hormones such as insulin 
  • Liver: this has many jobs. These jobs include making fluid that helps break down fats in food - and storing sugars that bodies need as fuel. It also helps process alcohol, medicines, and some poisons to remove them from the body. 
  • Gall bladder: this is a small organ next to the liver that helps make and store bile that your body uses for the breakdown of food. 
  • The small intestine: this is where digested food from the stomach travels to and is further processed. Enzymes from the pancreas and bile from the liver help with this processing. This intestine is where your body absorbs most of the nutrients from the food. It then takes these nutrients to the bloodstream for use. 

Upper gastrointestinal diseases 

Your needs come first. We offer expert care across several different Upper Gastrointestinal diseases including: 

  • Oesophageal cancer 
  • Gall bladder and bile duct cancer 
  • Gastric cancer 
  • Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) 
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma 
  • Liver metastases 
  • Malignant liver tumours 
  • Neuro-endocrine tumours 
  • Small intestine cancers 
  • Pancreatic cancer 
  • Benign and incidental liver tumours 
  • Incidental pancreatic cystic tumours 


We understand how stressful and difficult cancer can be. 

Your team of experts are sensitive to your individual health and wellbeing needs – we are here to help.  

You will need a referral from your GP or medical practitioner to access this service. 

Find out more about Getting started at Peter Mac

Related links

See the following links for useful Upper gastrointestinal cancer information and resources 

Pages related to Upper gastrointestinal cancer

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