We aim to deliver a comprehensive and coordinated palliative care service. To contact the Parkville Integrated Palliative Care Service, email
- Clinical nurse consultants
- Specialist doctors
- Doctors in training
- A nurse practitioner
Some examples of things we can help with include:
- Pain management
- Management of other symptoms
- Patient and family meetings
- Making plans for future care and care outside the hospital
- Referral to your local community palliative care team
- End of life care
How you can get a referral to the Parkville Integrated Palliative Care Service
Palliative care is available at any stage if you have a life limiting illness. Your treating team can arrange for you to see us, in our outpatient clinic, or while you are in hospital. If inpatient care is needed under the care of the palliative care team, you can be admitted to Ward 1A at Peter Mac or Ward 7 West at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. Your GP can make a referral to your local community palliative care team.