For many people, sex and intimacy is an important part of life.
Some people may experience changes to sexuality or intimacy during and after cancer treatment. Changes may affect the person with cancer as well as their partners or carers.
Every person is different but for some, changes may include:
- Physical changes to your body
- How you feel about and/or see your body
- How you feel about yourself
- How you feel about sex
- How you feel about relationships
Information for cancer survivors and their carers
- Sexuality and intimacy booklet, Cancer Council Victoria
- Sexuality and intimacy, My Cancer Guide, Cancer Council Victoria
- The thing about cancer: sex and cancer podcast, Cancer Council NSW (New South Wales)
- Cancer & Sexuality website, Sexual Health Australia
- Cancer and your sex life website, MacMillian Cancer Support (UK)
- LGBT cancer survivorship website, National LGBT Cancer Project (US)
- LGBT Cancer Information website, National LGBT Cancer Network (US)
- Breast cancer and sexual wellbeing booklet, Breast Cancer Network Australia
- Sexual health and cancer treatment: women website, Cancer.Net (US)
- Female sexual health after cancer video, Livestrong (US)
- Information for same-sex partners website, Breast Cancer Network Australia
- Understanding sexual issues following prostate cancer treatment booklet, Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia
- Maintaining wellbeing in gay and bisexual men with prostate cancer booklet, Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia
- Sexual health and cancer treatment: men website, Cancer.Net (US)
- Male sexual health after cancer video, Livestrong (US)
Young people
- Sexuality and Cancer website, Canteen
- Be ok...being you: A guide for young people who identify as LGBTIQ+ and have cancer booklet, Victorian Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Service
- Having sexual relationships during and after cancer treatment fact sheet, Future Fertility
- Dating and sexuality video, Cancer.Net (US)
Clinical services at Peter Mac Melbourne campus
The following services are available to patients of Peter Mac in Melbourne. Please speak with your oncology team if you are receiving treatment elsewhere. This is because you may have different clinical service options.
- Psychology services: Psychologists use various approaches to help people with cancer and their carers adjust to the challenges of cancer. These challenges can be emotional and psychological.
- Social work services: Social workers can provide counselling and support. They can advocate on behalf of you and the person you’re caring for. They can also offer practical advice and referrals to community services.
- Physiotherapy services: Physiotherapists and exercise physiologists can help with mobility and physical function. They can help before, during and after cancer treatment.
- Optimisation clinic: This multidisciplinary outpatient clinic is for cancer survivors with complex needs. Services include a dietitian, psychologist, physiotherapist, and occupational therapist. Speak to your treating team to be referred to this clinic.
- Victorian Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Service: This service supports people between 15 and 25 years with cancer and their families. They work with the medical team to ensure they look after all aspects of a young person’s health and wellbeing. This care includes both during treatment and in the years beyond treatment.
- Sexual health and erectile dysfunction clinic: The focus of this clinic is on managing erectile dysfunction. It is for people who have had surgery following a prostate cancer diagnosis. For more information
email them or contact the patient navigator on 03 8559 8496.
Other clinical services in the Parkville precinct
The following services are available to patients of the Parkville precinct. The precinct includes the Royal Melbourne Hospital and Royal Women’s Hospital. Peter Mac is also part of the Parkville precinct. Please speak with your oncology team if you are being treated elsewhere. You may have different clinical service options.
The Royal Women’s Hospital
- Menopause symptoms after cancer clinic (MSAC): This clinic offers advice on medical therapies to help improve menopausal symptoms. It also supplies information on lifestyle factors. These factors include sexual counselling, exercise, nutrition, and fertility after cancer treatment.
- Sexual Counselling Clinic (Psychosexual Medicine): Doctors trained in women’s health and sexuality run this clinic. They also supply couples and individual counselling. You can make referrals via the MSAC.