If you have been referred to the Melanoma and Skin cancer service of Peter Macallum then you have been diagnosed or suspected to have a skin cancer.
The Peter MacCallum Melanoma and Skin Cancer service is a multidisciplinary team that works in a coordinated manner to deliver the best possible wholistic patient centric care. Your diagnosis will determine which members of the team are involved in your care. The team is made up of surgeons, dermatologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapy oncologists, specialist nurses, pathologists and pain and palliative care physicians. The team is also supported by medical specialist trainees, allied and mental health and specialist administrative staff.
Where required a multidisciplinary team will meet to discuss your case.
The Melanoma and Skin Service is involved with multiple research projects and clinical trials. Projects range from laboratory based cutting edge molecular studies through to patient centric quality of life studies. The team also is involved in clinical trials giving access to new and potentially more effective therapies. The team is involved with the continued development standards and guidelines for patients with skin cancer.
Education is a key priority. During your time at Peter Mac, you may encounter trainee health professionals at different stages of their training. They will provide your care under the supervision and guidance of senior specialist staff.
While there are various types of skin cancer, the three primary ones are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. For more detailed notes on each cancer, please see the resources below.
Most skin cancers are treated and cured with surgery.
The specific characteristics of your skin cancer will determine what treatment is needed.
Your referring doctor may perform a biopsy before sending you to us. Your GP will send this sample to a laboratory for testing and to confirm the type of skin cancer you may have.
Enhancing your care
We will design a wholistic management plan that best suits your specific diagnosis and needs.
Skin cancer treatment strategies will depend on:
- the type of skin cancer it is
- whether it has spread and how far (its stage) – furthers tests such as imaging and/or biopsies may be needed to assess for this
- your general health and wellbeing
- your individual needs.
Skin cancer and melanoma support
We focus on all aspects of your health and wellbeing. Our skin cancer experts will help support and guide you to the best information and managed care.
Our specialist nurses can refer you to our:
- allied health services
- support services
- patient information resources
- support groups.
Skin cancer and melanoma patient and carer resources
More information about skin cancers is available. This covers their treatment and support for patients and families. You can download copies of the following resources:
- Understanding Melanoma guide - Cancer Council Australia
- Understanding Skin Cancer guide - Cancer Council Victoria
- A guide to understanding melanoma - Melanoma Patients Australia
- Melanoma & Skin Cancer Avocacy Network (MSCAN)
- Non-melanoma skin cancer treatment in AU and NZ
Living with skin cancer and melanoma
We know how hard cancer and treatment can be. It will disrupt your lifestyle and that of your loved ones. During this time, it is common to struggle with ongoing concerns about cancer and therapy. There are many expert groups available to support you through this time, including: