About CanEAT Pathway

The CanEAT Pathway:

  • Is a one-stop guide that links you with reliable nutrition and cancer information, resources and tools such as websites, fact sheets, booklets, podcasts, self-managment strategies and other practical information.
  • Is a resource to assist and support health professionals to deliver great nutrition care.
  • Is not intended to be read cover to cover. Read what is useful to you.
  • It includes practical tips on what to aim for and when to ask for help.

The CanEAT pathway was completed in 2019 and further updated in 2022 with interactive resources developed to support pathway implementation, with funding from the Victorian Government. Read about the different phases of the project.

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This pathway was originally co-designed by patients, carers, and health professionals. Jenelle Loeliger (Project Manager) and Sarah Dewar (Project Officer) led phase one. Jenelle Loeliger (Project Manager), Rebecca McIntosh (Project Officer) and Vanessa Hughes (Project Administration) led phase 2 with contributions from the project Steering Committee members and Victorian Cancer Malnutrition Collaborative (VCMC) project team as part of the Victorian Cancer Malnutrition Collaborative (VCMC) program of work. Supported by the Victorian Government.