Peter Mac News

Giving back: Gamini's epic ride across Australia

26 March 2025

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Gamini Chandrasekara fulfilled a lifetime dream in 2018 when he rode his bike 1000km from his hometown of Melbourne to Sydney. So he decided to dream bigger!

His new goal is to ride around 5000km across the entirety of Australia.

So far this week, he has ridden more than 500km and is now heading towards the Nullarbor.

“It will be very hard, hot and no water and the wind will not be supporting me,” Gamini says of crossing Australia’s barren centre.

“But I’ll go for it slowly, slowly and will take my time.”

Gamini set-off from Kings Park in Perth, WA, on Saturday 22 March and he plans to ride eastward in a roughly straight line until he rolls into the forecourt at Brisbane City Hall, Qld.

He expects to complete this epic cycle journey in 35 to 40 days, biting off about 100 to 150km per day or maybe 200km if a tailwind.

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Gamini keeps himself distracted by watching the natural world roll by.

“I like sight-seeing – the beaches, the bush, birds and animals,” he says.

His support crew is Gamini’s wife and a network of family and friends who are travelling the same route in a motorhome.

They are in constant contact via a walkie talkie and provide Gamini’s food and a comfortable place to sleep and recharge.

Gamini, aged in his 60s, says this epic bike ride is about giving back. He migrated about 30 years ago and says Australia has been very good to him and his family.

“Now it’s our turn to do something good for the future, and to pass on the baton,” he says.

It’s also about being a positive role model and demonstrating that everyone can “leave the world with something better than when you were born”.

“I’m not a wealthy man to give millions, but I will use my hobby to do something good for the world,” Gamini says.

On his Melb-to-Syd ride Gamini raised over $10K for the Royal Children’s Hospital research fund.

This time he is raising money for the Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation to support cancer research at Peter Mac.

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He has already raised more than half of his $10K goal. You can support Gamini on his journey and leave him a message of support on his donate page.

Gamini has ridden bikes for as long as he can remember and says: “it helps me to relax my mind and maintain my fitness”.

He also shared these tips for keeping your body and mind in good shape on a long bike ride.

“I have only healthy foods – no energy drinks. Lots of coconut water and pomegranate water,” Gamini says.

“And I’m a Buddhist, so will do some meditation.”

Follow Gamini on Instagram (@gaminirides) where there are regular updates on his progress.

If, like Gamini, you have an epic dream and would like to support vital cancer research at Peter Mac, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or see more information on our Foundation’s website.