Peter Mac News

Leading the way in first-in-human clinical trials 

01 February 2024

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Peter Mac is playing a leading role in delivering an advanced course on early drug development, training doctors from countries across the Asia-Pacific region. 

Co-Chaired by Peter Mac’s Professor Jayesh Desai (pictured above) and run through the European Society for Medical Oncology, (ESMO) the training educates and mentors the next generation of Phase I/Early Drug Development Principal Investigators in oncology centres from established and emerging economies. 

“I’m incredibly excited to be leading this course again in 2024 and sharing our expertise in early drug development with our neighbours in the region,” Professor Desai explains. 

“We’re helping to bridge any knowledge gaps in establishing and running a successful early drug development program with input from clinicians from across the globe.” 

The course covers an in-depth understanding of trial selection and patient coordination, running a program, and effectively engaging with sponsors and fellow Principal Investigators while covering regional and international regulatory processes. 

The sold-out 2023 course was capped at 60 participants and there were representatives from 10 countries including Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan and Australia. 

Due to the outstanding feedback following the 2023 course, ESMO has committed to making the training an annual event with the next session to be held in Hong Kong in 2024. 

Peter Mac Medical Oncologist Associate Professor Ben Tran is also a course speaker, one of a dozen members of the outstanding international faculty in the 2024 program, sharing his expertise in early drug development.