A range of beautiful "bereavement bags" has been developed for use in Peter Mac’s palliative care ward.

They replace the standard plastic bags that have been used, up to now, to store a patient's personal effects after they have died. 

Earlier this year, Peter Mac’s community was asked to submit uplifting designs for these bags which are collected by grieving families.

One of the designs chosen by Ward 1A staff was provided by Holly Clinton, who sadly lost her sister Amber to breast cancer.

“I still have the blue plastic belongings bag with my sister's ID on it,” Holly says.

“It fills me with so much joy to know that other families will have something a little nicer to bring home.”

Holly’s design has “minimal colours to portray a sense of love and empathy for those going through loss” and also the words “Until we meet again”.

“Being in this position only a year ago, I know that there is very little that comforts you during this time,” she says.

“The one thing that never faded though was the thought that I would one day see my sister again. If it brought comfort to me, I hope it will bring comfort to others too.”

Ward 1A Nurse Unit Manager Holly Pitt led the initiative, and said the aim was to have bags that reflected the respectful way the palliative care team engages with patients.

“We also hope, in a small way, they provide solace and support to grieving families,” Ms Pitt says.

There are two community submitted designs, plus a design from Peter Mac's SPLICE youth art initiative and also a design to convey cultural safety for Aboriginal patients.

This initiative also recently featured on Channel Nine news - re-watch the story below.