
Dr Jennifer Chard

Radiation Oncologist


Dr Jennifer Chard is a radiation oncologist with subspecialty expertise in paediatric, adolescent and young adult (AYA) oncology, brachytherapy and gynaecological oncology. She treats all types of cancer in the 0-25 age range with a focus on soft tissue sarcoma and adults with gynaecological cancers. Jennifer takes great pride in the team approach to delivering the best radiation therapy treatment for each individual.

After completing her Radiation Oncology training in Sydney she moved to London to undertake the Windeyer Fellowship in brachytherapy at Mt Vernon Cancer Centre in 2010-11. The was followed by a second fellowship in AYA oncology in 2012 at Westmead Hospital, Sydney. Jennifer combined these skills to develop a paediatric brachytherapy program as a collaboration between the Children’s Hospital at Westmead and Crown Princess Mary Cancer Centre, Westmead. In 2023 she joined as a senior staff specialist at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and has introduced a paediatric brachytherapy program at the Parkville campus.

Jennifer has completed postgraduate studies in Adolescent Health and Welfare and Clinical Research (Oncology) through the University of Melbourne and also holds a Clinical Diploma in Palliative Medicine through the Royal Australian College of Physicians. She has an active role with Victorian AYA Cancer Service, CanTeen’s Youth Cancer Services, the Australasian Brachytherapy Group, ANZCHOG and ANZGOG.

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Victorian Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Service

Radiation therapy for children


Dr Jennifer Chard

Radiation Oncologist
Cancer types Gynae Oncology, Paediatric, Sarcoma
Qualifications BMedSci, MBBS, ClinDipPallMed, GCertAdolHlthWelf, SpeCetClinRes (Oncology), FRANZCR