
Dr Michael KC Lee

Medical Oncologist


After completing his medical oncology specialist training through the Royal Australasian College of Physicians in 2017, Dr Lee spent two years further specialising in clinical translational genomic research at BC Cancer and Michael Smith's Science Centre in Vancouver, Canada. This is where he developed a research in pancreatic cancer and genomic cancer with publication in Nature Cancer and Clinical Cancer Research.

In 2020, he returned to Melbourne to pursue a PhD with the aim of developing a new novel therapy for pancreatic cancers, leveraging both bioinformatic methodologies and basic laboratory functional testing approaches. He is honoured to have received support from NZ Aoteoroa Research Entry Scholarship and Pancare Foundation grant for his ongoing PhD research.

Dr Lee’s motto is holistic oncology care with an honest conversation, supported by the latest research from the bench side to the bedside and tailoring it to his patients’ goals and wishes. We can't change the fact you've got cancer but we can enable you to live well with cancer.


Dr Michael KC Lee

Medical Oncologist
Cancer types Upper Gastrointestinal
Qualifications MBChB, FRACP
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