Dr Susan Dragon
Susan has been a Social Worker here at Peter Mac for 7 years, currently within the Haematology stream. Prior to that Susan worked in the asylum seeker sector, mental health and disability. Susan is passionate about supporting cancer patients and their families emotionally and practically through their treatment and after as well as educating others about the psychosocial impact of cancer. Having practised in various fields of social work and community health over the last 18 years, Susan is passionate about enhancing social work practice through quality improvement projects and research. Susan’s PhD completed a few years ago explored the benefits of participating in creative activity to promote self-esteem and combat social isolation, incorporating my art interest, social work and qualitative research.
Susan holds the Research Portfolio Lead within the social work department at Peter Mac, undertaking and promoting research within the department and collaboration with other disciplines. The most recent project she completed was a multi-site project looking at patient’s issues with Accessing Centrelink from hospitals. Susan is a member of the Scientific Acton Committee of PoCog (Psycho-oncology Co-operative Research Group). In her free time Susan indulges in creative projects and spends all her holidays traveling.