AYA for health professionals

How we can help and support your work with young people with cancer

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The Victorian Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Cancer Service is a state-wide multidisciplinary service specialising in the care of young people aged 15 to 25 and their families. 

We work in a variety of ways with and alongside health and community service professionals at Peter Mac and across Victoria to improve outcomes for young people with cancer.

Why we exist

A cancer diagnosis during the adolescent and young adult years can be particularly challenging for young people and their families. Young people aged 15 to 25 have: 

  • Unique medical, emotional, social, and informational needs compared to older and younger populations1,2,3
  • Inferior survival rates for some cancer subtypes compared to children and older adults with the same diseases4 
  • Significantly higher rates of negative health and socio-economic outcomes across a range of areas that often have lifelong impacts (physical, social, emotional, educational/vocational, and financial)1,2,3,5 

Clinical support areas 

We work directly with patients and/or support health professionals in their work with young people in relation to the following areas: 

  • Diagnosis and disease management (including clinical trials) 
  • Palliative and survivorship care management 
  • General adolescent health assessment and review 
  • Therapeutic counselling 
  • Physical health, exercise, and nutrition  
  • School, education, and employment support  
  • Music therapy 
  • Legal and financial support pathways 
  • Fertility and sexual health pathways 
  • Genetic counselling pathways

The service values a patient-focused and family-inclusive approach, including support for partners and peers. Information, resources, and community referrals are also provided.

How we can help


Contact us 

We are based at Peter Mac's Melbourne campus (Parkville) in the Youth Cancer Centre on Level 1. 

  • Phone: (03) 8559 6880
  • Fax: (03) 8559 6229
  • Email for general enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Email for referral enquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mailing address: 

Victorian Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Service
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Locked Bag 1
A'Beckett St, VIC 8006 


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