Malnutrition screening tool

It is important to understand malnutrition can happen to anyone. It does not matter what size or shape you are or if you are overweight or underweight. You can still lose muscle, which can make you feel weak and not able to do your everyday tasks. The MST can be completed by a health professional, patient or carer


Malnutrition screening tool (MST)

Welcome to the Malnutrition Screening Tool

Use the Malnutrition screening tool

Malnutrition Screening Tool

This is a Malnutrition Screening Tool which helps us to know more about your weight and the food you eat.

Malnutrition can cause you to lose muscle and make your recovery longer. Your answers to the questions in the tool will tell us how we can help you to reduce your risk of malnutrition. Please choose the answers that apply to you.

Within the last 6 months, have you lost weight without trying?
You answered Yes, How much weight have you lost without trying?
Have you been eating less food than usual because you have not been hungry?
You Scored 1
Low risk
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
High risk
0=Low risk 5=High risk

Your score shows you are at a low risk of malnutrition.

If you do start to lose weight or eat less than usual, you might be at risk of malnutrition. If this happens make sure you tell your doctor or nurse.

Reprinted from Nutrition, 15, Ferguson M, Capra S, Bauer J, Banks M, Development of a valid and reliable malnutrition screening tool for adult acute hospital patients, 458-64, Copyright 1999, with permission from Elsevier.

Note to reader: This series of culturally adapted Malnutrition Screening Tools have been developed by the Victorian Cancer Malnutrition Collaborative (VCMC) and funded by Western and Central Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service (WCMICS).

Victorian Government Logo Victorian Cancer Malnutrition Collaborative Logo Peter Mac Logo Western and Central Melbourne Integrated Cancer Service Logo

For more information about the Malnutrition screening tool

If you have any feedback or queries about this tool, please contact:

  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Resources to support implementation of the online MST

Related links

Related pages

Cultural adaptation of the MST project


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