Associate Professor Dominic Wall
Dominic is Executive Director Business Ventures, leading the organisation’s existing and emerging business ventures programs.
He oversees the national Centre of Excellence in Cellular Immunotherapy at Peter Mac, which was established in 2019 with an $80 million contribution from the Commonwealth Government. He leads Peter Mac’s Pathology services, and the associated business unit Nexomics that provides specialised accredited medical oncology testing for clinical research.
Dominic is also Chief Scientific Officer of Peter Mac’s majority owned and controlled independent and commercial business Cell Therapies Pty Ltd. Cell Therapies provides specialised contract manufacturing and testing of cells for human therapy, predominantly in the field of cellular immunotherapy and gene therapy.
Dominic has been directly involved in cell therapy manufacturing since the 1990s and was responsible for manufacturing Australia’s first CAR-T products in 2008.
Dominic trained at the University of London School of Pathology at Middlesex & UCH and obtained his PhD at the University of Melbourne. He was a recipient of a Founding Fellowship in the Faculty of Science in the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia. His technical expertise is in cell-based therapy, immunology and flow cytometry, alongside deep experience in the restructure and corporatisation of internal hospital services. He is the current chair of the Legal & Regulatory Subcommittee of the International Society for Cell Therapy (ANZ) and has twice served as regional president of this professional society.