Dr Julia Milne
Dr Julia Milne is an early career postdoctoral researcher in the Tumourigenesis and Cancer Therapeutics Laboratory (Clemons Laboratory) within the Cancer Evolution and Metastasis Program. Her research focuses on understanding the mechanisms that drive oesophageal cancer development and the biological consequences of genetic mutations. The overall goal of Julia’s work is to improve outcomes for patients with oesophageal cancer by identifying tumour-specific vulnerabilities that may be exploited with novel therapies. Julia's experience incorporates application of functional genomics, including genome-wide and boutique CRISPR and RNAi screening, in both in vitro and in vivo xenograft models of cancer. Her research also involves use of multi-omics approaches, imaging techniques, and organoids. During her PhD, Julia was awarded a Harold Mitchell Foundation Postgraduate Fellowship. Her postdoctoral research is supported by a collaboration with Astex Pharmaceuticals (UK).