Associate Professor Nick Clemons
Associate Professor Nick Clemons is Head of the Tumourigenesis and Cancer Therapeutics laboratory, which is part of the Cancer Evolution & Metastasis Program. His research includes both fundamental cancer biology and translational research with a focus on cancers of the oesophagus and stomach. Associate Professor Clemons is an experienced cellular and molecular biologist with expertise in functional genomics, cell death mechanisms, tumour suppressors, organoids and in vivo models of cancer. He works closely with the Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) clinical team at Peter Mac to advance his research goals, and his vision is to improve outcomes for patients with gastro-oesophageal cancers through better treatment selection and development of new treatment strategies. He also provides translational research expertise to the Upper GI Working Party of the Australasian Gastrointestinal Trials Group. He has received funding from the National Health & Medical Research Council, Medical Research Future Fund, Australian Research Council, Victorian Cancer Agency, Cancer Council Victoria, Contributing to Australian Scholarship and Science (CASS) Foundation, Peter MacCallum Foundation, Medical Research Council (UK) and US Department of Defense to support his research. Associate Professor Clemons is an Honorary Principal Fellow at the University of Melbourne (Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology).