Dr Stephen Wong
Dr Wong is a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia, a recipient of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Emerging Leader and a Victorian Cancer Agency Mid-Career Fellowship. He oversees the design, development and coordination of multiple translational research projects for both academic and commercial partners using a range of cutting-edge genomic-based methodologies.
Dr Wong has led and coordinated several large-scale translational research studies and translated several genomic assays into biomarker driven clinical trials and into routine diagnostic practice. He has extensive training and research experience in next generation sequencing, molecular biology, circulating biomarkers, computational biology and biostatistics. He has published more than 50 publications with significant papers in Annals of Oncology, Cancer Cell, Nature Medicine, JCI, JCO, Genome Biology and Cancer Research. His research has received significant attention in the media, including in The Herald Sun and the Scientist Magazine.
He sits on the Personalised Medicine/Clinical Genomics Steering Committee, the ACEMID (Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging and Diagnosis) Biomarker Working Group and is co-convenor for the Thomas Ashworth CTC and Liquid Biopsy Symposium.
Stephen has an extensive network of academic, clinical and industry collaborators both national and internationally and major experience working with the biotechnology sector. His research aims to significantly increase our knowledge of cancer genomics and translate discoveries into the development of new biomarkers for patient care. Here, he has made fundamental breakthroughs in the field of circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) analysis across multiple cancer types and worked towards the clinical translation of ctDNA analysis into clinical practice.
Cancer Genomics Translational Research Centre