Help represent the needs of our diverse community: Join our Community Advisory Committee 

Peter Mac is looking for people of diverse backgrounds to join our Community Advisory Committee. 

Peter Mac’s Community Advisory Committee is a group of community members who provide advice and guidance about community views to Peter Mac’s Board of Directors. The group also oversees the development and implementation of key strategies that impact patient and carer experiences at Peter Mac.  

It’s very important that our Community Advisory Committee represents the diversity of people who use our services. While we welcome expressions of interest from anyone interested in joining our Community Advisory Committee, we are also encouraging expressions of interest from people who:  

  • have experience of disability, including non-visible disability, or chronic illness; or
  • identify as LGBTQIA+; or
  • do not hold formal post-high school qualifications; or
  • have experience of a mental health condition; or
  • are a family member or carer of people with these experiences and identities.

No special skills or experience are required, and training and support are provided.

The role of committee members

The role of Community Advisory Committee members is to: 

  • represent and advocate for the community 
  • engage with the community to understand their needs 
  • advise the board and the health service on community views on health service development, planning and quality improvement.

The committee has a workplan that sets the agenda for each meeting. Prior to each meeting, you will be asked to read documents sent to you about each agenda item. During the meeting, committee members will discuss the key agenda items, helping to ensure community viewpoints inform Peter Mac’s activities.  

The committee focuses on high-level strategic advice rather than detailed input into operational matters (there are opportunities to input into these operational matters outside of the Community Advisory Committee, via Peter Mac’s Consumer Register).

Committee members are responsible for 

  • contributing their knowledge and expertise by providing community perspectives, whether through lived, personal or professional experience 
  • using their strong community networks and/or their good understanding of local issues to inform planning 
  • reflecting on and presenting community issues (rather than focusing on personal concerns or individual issues). 

The time commitment

Committee members are asked to try to commit to a three-year term, meeting five times per year during business hours (for approximately two hours). You will also be asked to read papers prior to meetings. Remote participation via Zoom is available.

Position description

The Community Advisory Committee position description is available.

Express interest

To express interest, please complete this expression of interest form.  

If you would prefer us to send you this form as a Microsoft Word document, please contact Peter Mac’s Consumer Engagement Lead, Anna Jones at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please express interest by 9am on Monday 14 April.  


If you have questions regarding the Community Advisory Committee or this expression of interest process, please contact Peter Mac’s Consumer Engagement Lead, Anna Jones at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.