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General News

Peter Mac’s Patient Parliament June 2024

04 December 2023


Peter Mac is proud to be holding another Patient Parliament co-design consultation event in June 2024.

At Peter Mac, we are committed to providing the world’s best cancer care, and are dedicated to ensuring we have an engaging culture and way of working that proactively involves patients, carers and families to inform decisions related to the planning, delivery, and evaluation of our services.

We know that better engagement leads to better care outcomes. 

What is a Patient Parliament?

Peter Mac has held a number of Patient Parliaments events over the past few years, which are online co-design consultation events with current and former patients, carers and families. This enables us to listen to and learn from patients about their personal experiences with cancer, gather feedback and to examine opportunities to improve patient experience at Peter Mac.

The last Patient Parliament was held in November 2021, which lead to the development of the Patient Experience Strategic Plan at Peter Mac 2023-2025. This was timed to align with the Peter Mac Strategic Directions 2020-2025.

The next Patient Parliament in June 2024 plans to work with consumers to:

  • Review the Patient Experience initiatives that have occurred at Peter Mac over the last 1.5 years to reflect on what has been done and what activities are still required to work on
  • Align the next Patient Experience Strategy with Peter Mac’s Strategic Direction, Safety & Quality Health Service Standards, the Australia Cancer Plan and the Victorian Cancer Plan
  • Identify areas of consumer experience that need prioritising to shape the next iteration Patient Experience Strategic Plan beyond 2025.

This event will enable the valuable contribution of the consumer voice to shape Peter Mac’s next Patient Experience Strategy for beyond 2025. 

Details of this Patient Parliament event in June 2024 to come.