Like a carefully orchestrated game of tetris, a brand-new MRI machine has been delicately lifted into place in Peter Mac’s radiology department this week.

A window on the building exterior was removed to winch the over seven tonne machine into place via crane, the team executing the detailed plan with absolute precision. 

The machine, a Siemens Magnetom Vida, is the best scanner technology available on the market, using artificial intelligence to deliver outstanding image quality and efficiency.  

“This is an additional MRI for Peter Mac and having two onsite scanners will allow for dramatically improved wait times for our patients,” MRI Supervisor Lauren Caspersz says. 

“We’re excited to bring this state-of-the-art piece of kit online and I thank the installation team for their efforts in planning and delivering the new machine.”

As well as the benefits for patients, the machine is also better for the environment, using up to 30 per cent less energy that a standard MRI. 

The intelligent power management system disables power-consuming components when the machine is not in use, cutting the energy used in between scans.

The machine is currently being fully installed and tested by engineers before it becomes  fully operational on August 22.