An educational film about radiotherapy, presented and co-written by Associate Professor David Kok of Peter Mac and the University of Melbourne, has won a gold medal in the international Telly awards.

The film was produced for the University of Melbourne/VCCC Alliance Master of Cancer Sciences program - watch it here - to explain what makes highly precise “stereotactic” radiotherapy different from conventional radiotherapy.

It is narrated by Associate Professor Kok, and he wrote it with Dr Sathana Dushyanthen, University of Melbourne and formerly of Peter Mac.

The Telly awards, which honour excellence in video across all screens, have been running for 43 years and receive thousands of entries including from the world’s biggest companies.

Big names Microsoft and Harvard Business School were also represented at the awards, taking out silver and bronze medals in the same “General Education” category in which the radiotherapy film claimed gold.

“This is obviously extremely pleasing personally,” Associate Professor Kok says.

“But also a great acknowledgement of the fantastic structures at Peter Mac and the University of Melbourne that helped shape my oncology and teaching careers and ultimately to produce such materials.”

Enrolments for the internationally acclaimed Master of Cancer Sciences program are now open for the July intake. Associate Professor Kok is co-course convenor of the Masters program, along with Professor Grant McArthur. 

See all of the award recipients in the General Education category of the 2022 Telly Awards.