MindOnLine is a mindfulness program for people with breast, bowel or prostate cancer by Deakin University.

The study team is inviting people who have finished treatment for prostate, breast or bowel cancer to participate in an online mindfulness study.

After having cancer treatment, it is common to feel anxious or scared that the cancer will come back. Mindfulness practice can help people learn to manage their fears and worries.

The team has developed an online mindfulness program (MindOnLine) and would like to test if it can help people with prostate, breast or colorectal cancer.

To be eligible you must be over the age of 18, speak and read English, have finished treatment within the last five years and have access to the Internet.

Men living with local or locally advanced prostate cancer, or those under active surveillance (watch and wait) or receiving hormonal treatment are eligible.

People diagnosed with early breast cancer are eligible (Early breast cancer where the cancer has been contained in the breast or where cancer has spread to one or a small number of lymph nodes).

People diagnosed with bowel cancer stages 1-3 are eligible (stages 1-3 includes early stages and local cancer).

During this project you may be randomized to the intervention group where you will receive access to the 9-week MindOnLine program. Or, you may be randomized to the control group where you will receive your usual care from your healthcare service provider.

Study participants will be asked to complete surveys at the beginning of the study, around 9 weeks later and again 6 months later. People in the control group will be able to access MindOnLine after they complete the last survey.

If you are interested in participating, please contact Dr Natalie Heynsbergh on Tel: (03) 9246 8225, Mobile: 0419 263 117 or at Email: [email protected]

For more information please visit https://mindonline.org.au

This project is being conducted by Deakin University in association with: