Allied health education

Specialised Allied Health professional education is available to all health professionals and trainees interested in evidence-based and up-to-date cancer knowledge

We provide courses with a unique opportunity to meet expert clinicians as they explain the clinical application of their knowledge. Our Allied Health education team provides quality educational experiences for learners, including pre-qualification student placement programs and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities for post-qualification Allied Health Professionals 

Pre-qualification education 

We offer about 50 Allied Health Undergraduate and Masters level placements across Nutrition, Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology, Social Work, Spiritual Care, Music Therapy, Art Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Clinical Psychology. 

We have extensive partnerships with major higher education providers in Melbourne and across Victoria. One example of our partnerships is the annual two-day Nutrition Oncology Student Education Program, where we host up to 160 dietetic students. If you are interested in placement opportunities with us, please speak to the placement coordinator at your education institution. 

Foundations for Allied Health in Cancer Care

Are you a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, exercise physiologist or allied health assistant with an interest in cancer care? A desire to learn about how to deliver best practice for cancer patients and their carers? Then this is a course for you! 

Find out more about Foundations for Allied Health in Cancer Care.

Post-qualification Allied Health education 

We offer several Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities and education resources for Allied Health Professionals. Some focus on profession specific practice while other opportunities foster inter-professional collaboration. 

Inter-professional Allied Health education 

We encourage Allied Health Professionals to undertake formal education activities that we host such as:  

Other inter-professional education events include the Introduction to Oncology Study Day hosted by the Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy department. 

Allied Health education contact information 

For more information about Allied Health education, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Allied Health education resources 



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