Professor Arun Azad
Professor Arun Azad is a Medical Oncologist and Translational Researcher based at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre with a primary focus on prostate cancer. After completing his medical oncology training and a cell biology PhD in Melbourne, Australia, Professor Azad moved to the British Columbia (BC) Cancer Agency and Vancouver Prostate Centre, Vancouver, Canada in 2013 for a 2-year fellowship under the supervision of Professor Kim Chi, an internationally renowned prostate cancer researcher. At BC Cancer Agency, he led pioneering studies centred on genomic profiling of circulating cell-free DNA in advanced prostate cancer patients.
In late 2015, Professor Azad returned to Australia and rapidly established himself as a national and international leader in prostate cancer clinical and translational research, continuing his innovative work centred on circulating biomarker assays. Overall, Arun Azad’s clinical and research activities have resulted in an excellent academic record with more than 150 publications, 11 oral presentations at national and international meetings, 25 competitive prizes and awards and more than AUD$25 million in competitive, named funding including a prestigious NH&MRC Investigator Grant. He currently holds numerous leadership roles including co-Principal Investigator for the Movember/MRFF UpFrontPSMA Prostate Cancer Research Alliance, Chair of the ANZUP Cancer Trials Group Translational Research Sub-Committee and Chair of the COSA Urologic Oncology Group.
In addition, Professor Azad sits on the ANZUP Scientific Advisory Committee, Peter Mac Prostate Theranostics and Imaging Centre (ProsTIC) Strategy and Governance Team, and on Trial Steering / Management Committees for 9 multi-centre clinical trials.