First-time comedians drawn from Peter Mac’s community of patients, carers and staff have taken centre-stage for a one-night-only comedy show and wellbeing initiative.

“Stand Up for Cancer” - held at Peter Mac on 7 July - was about building confidence and learning new ways to communicate and share, and an opportunity for fun and some laughs.

Melanoma survivor and comedy newbie Peter Gourlay said the show was “extraordinary and had a powerful impact on so many - us performers but importantly the audience!”.

“I was truly moved by the power of everyone's stories. And such great laughs.”

Participants developed their stand-up routines on the day, attending a workshop with Australian comedian Rachel Berger.

Hours later they bravely stepped up to the microphone before a full-house (masked and spaced) audience at Peter Mac.

Nurse Elaine Sia started the day convinced “there is not a chance in the world that anybody will laugh at any of my jokes”.

“Little did I know that nine hours later I would be up in front of an audience, doing stand-up with confidence that I never knew I had,” she said.

“Hearing everyone’s stories also provided me the chance to walk a mile in their shoes.

"I left the auditorium with newfound confidence, compassion and the will to be a better nurse and colleague.”

Participants said Rachel’s support was outstanding – a mix of instruction and encouragement to “be ourselves and people will truly appreciate us for who we are”.

“What an incredible group of humans I was privileged to work with!” Rachel also said after the show.

“They were all fearlessly honest and face-achingly funny.”

Funds raised from this ticketed event will support Peter Mac’s Wellbeing Centre – which is a supportive, patient-led program where patients and carers can access services such as oncology massage, art therapy, meditation and system navigation, as well as information, and emotional and physical support.


For more information contact the Peter Mac Communications team on 0417 123 048.

About Peter Mac:

Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre is a world-leading cancer research, education and treatment centre and Australia’s only public health service solely dedicated to caring for people affected by cancer.