Young people who have experienced cancer between the ages of 15 and 25 are invited to apply for this opportunity to help shape cancer services, policy and research relevant to them.

Young people are the most powerful advocates for their own needs and have the right to meaningfully participate in shaping services, policy and research that affects their lives.

Established in 2010, the Victorian & Tasmanian Youth Cancer Action Board (YCAB) is a 12-member board of young people diagnosed with cancer between the ages of 15 and 25 and treated in a Victorian or Tasmanian health service. They provide advice and guidance to government and the broader health and community sector on cancer policy, priorities and services affecting Victorian and Tasmanian youth.

YCAB has been highly influential across the sector in advocating for the improvement of services and supports for young people with cancer and their families including:

  • Developing position statements to influence health policy and services
  • Co-designing youth-friendly hospital environments
  • Advising on services and programs relevant to young people
  • Informing  the development of age-appropriate resources
  • Contributing content to and advising on the development of health professional education and training programs
  • Raising awareness of cancer in young people through presentations, media appearances and other opportunities

YCAB is supported by the Victorian Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Service (ONTrac at Peter Mac), who provide relevant education, training and support as part of their broader Youth Participation Framework. Previous Board members report many benefits to their participation, including the opportunity to meet other young people, learn new skills and have fun while seeing the positive impact they can have on existing and future AYA cancer initiatives.

YCAB meets six times per year (three weeknight evenings via Zoom and three Saturdays in person in Melbourne), with all costs covered and members remunerated for their time.

If you or a young person you know might be interested in joining us, apply online by Fri 7 October 2022.

(with QR code)

More information about YCAB and our Youth Cancer Action Program can be found on the Victorian AYA Cancer Service (ONTrac at Peter Mac) website, or by contacting us at [email protected] | (03) 8559 6880.